Some products come individually packaged to protect their shape and provide extra durability. The following products may ship separately:
- backpacks
- mugs, wine tumblers, and pint glasses
- water bottles
In some cases products from the same order may be fulfilled in different facilities, which means they’ll be shipped separately.
How long will my items take?
Shipping varies by item and country. Please look at the individual product information where we have included a general guide for shipping timelines.
Where are my items coming from?
For this store we are using a drop shipping company who team well with Shopify called Printful. Most items are shipped from Spain. Latvia or the U.K.
Will I pay customs?
Customers from the UK can order products fulfilled in the UK as well as merchandise that’s fulfilled in other Printful locations (customs fees may apply). As this is a test store and we are running it for fun you should be aware of this when you make a purchase. Conjura are not liable for customs charges - it is beyond our control
Why do we have this store?
The store was set up to allow our team work on a real life store, with real life data to mimic issues or abnormalities on our customers stores and for testing the Conjura product in a real life environment.
Originally we added fake products with a value of 0 hoping that we could mimic a store but we quickly realised for the store to be a true test we would need real sales going through. While we could have kept the store with fake products and made fake sales I felt like it could be more fun to have a store like this that we can buy goods from should we choose to.